Hassocks United Reformed Church Bulletin       
August  2024


Sunday services at 10.30am:

4 August      Dr Graham Campling.
11 August    Communion. The Revd David Cumbers.
18 August    The Revd David Cumbers.
25 August    Mr Pat Mottram.  

Refreshments are served after each service.


During August there will be no Thursday services, no Messy Church, church coffee or Transform Trade stall, no Scallywags and no Baby Station.


Bible Study on Monday 12 August at 11am. in the small hall.


Elders elections. At the Annual Church Meeting, it was noted that Helen Abel, Colin Brittain and Stuart Dew were at the end of their period of service, leaving Annette Squire as the sole elected serving elder. Helen Abel was re-elected and Colin Brittain, Ken Dummer, Kerry Edwards and Jill Hewer were co-opted either to the eldership or to assist the Elders.  Stuart Dew is to become URC co-leader of the Central Sussex United Area.


The Garden party on 13 July raised £244.20. Funds raised recently have been for the upkeep of the church. Elders have agreed that money raised from one event each year should now go to charity, restoring the practice of raising money for good causes.


Wool is needed to make blankets, hats, scarves and gloves for Knight Support, an organisation that helps homeless people in Brighton. See Brenda Rowe or Brenda Farr.


Church cleaning. Volunteers are needed to assist – not more than twice a year. See Pam Graham. 


To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Fairtrade Foundation we are holding a Big Brew coffee morning during Fairtrade fortnight. This will be on Saturday 14 September  alongside Messy Church.  It will be a pastorate event for all three URC churches and also for Churches Together. There will be stalls selling fairly traded products and cakes, a tombola, and children’s activities. Before then, see Julia or Peter Scotland to buy a quiz sheet to test your knowledge of all things fair trade! Contributions for the tombola and donations of cakes will be welcome.


Names from the past. Our note about William and Alice Hollyer (probably not Hullyer) produced a response from Keith Bradley, who was a boy at the church in the 1950s. He recalls that Alice was known as Mary; she was a great encourager, and a positive  influence in his early Christian life. (How important encouragement is to us all!). Later, Keith served as Hassocks church secretary. He now lives at Woking – where he is once again church secretary.


OPTIONAL Safeguarding. Advice regarding safeguarding and the church's updated safeguarding policy appears in the church vestibule, at the entrance to the main hall and on the church website www.hassocks-urc-church.org.uk 


Contacting the minister: [email protected] or 07732 759529


Hassocks United Reformed Church Bulletin
July 2024


Sunday services: 7 July. Joint pastorate Communion service at Haywards Heath, led by the Revd David Cumbers. Note:10.45am not 10.30.There will be no service at Hassocks. Haywards Heath church is in South Road, opposite the entrance to the Orchards Shopping Centre. Several members of the congregation are happy to assist with transport. 14 July. The Revd Peter Scotland, Communion. 21 July. The Revd David Cumbers. The Annual Church Meeting follows this service (see below). 28 July. Family service.


Thursday services at 10.30am. 4 July. The Revd David Cumbers. 11 July. Mrs Heather McNiven.18 July. Communion, Mr Stuart Dew. 25 July. Mrs Claire Levin.


Refreshments are served after Sunday and Thursday services.


Rita Perkins. We are sad to report Rita's death on Thursday 13 June. Her funeral service will be at the church at 2pm on Monday 8 July. 


Bible Study. Monday 8 July. 11am. In the small hall.


Transform Trade, Messy Church and Coffee are on the morning of Saturday 13 July.


Garden Party. Saturday 13 July at Two Trees, 36 College Lane, Hurstpierpoint BN6 9AQ.  2pm- 5pm. Entry £5 to include cream tea. Tickets available at church on 30 June, but also  available on the door if you don’t manage to get one then.  A glass of prosecco (extra) is available for those who feel so inclined.  Please add your name to the list on the vestibule notice board if you need transport.  And please also pray for good weather!


Annual Church Meeting on 21 July after worship, with the election of Elders. The church needs new Elders. If you feel this is a role you could consider, please speak to the minister, or one of the current serving Elders: Helen Abel, Colin Britain, Stuart Dew, Ken Dummer or Annette Squire. Or talk to Kerry Edwards about what it is like to be a co-opted Elder. Or perhaps you would like to come to an Elders meeting to see what is involved. 


Does anyone have a church memory going back to the 1950s? We have received a donation in memory of of William and Alice Hullyer who attended church then. It came from their grandson, who lives in Worthing. 


Baby Station. Help is wanted with our long-running Baby Station group, which has been valued by many people over many years. Parents retain responsibility for their children; the leaders are there to talk, listen, and arrange tea and coffee. Do you know of someone who has previously attended, who would like to return and help? Talk to Helen Abel.


Coffee lovers, book the date! A Big Brew coffee morning is planned for Saturday 14 September, coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the Fair Trade Foundation. The ease of buying fairly traded products in supermarkets is good news, but Transform Trade still needs support to enable more workers to set up their own business to avoid exploitation.


Safeguarding. Advice regarding safeguarding and the church's updated safeguarding policy appears in the church vestibule, at the entrance to the main hall and on the church website www.hassocks-urc-church.org.uk 




Hassocks United Reformed Church Bulletin.
June 2024


Sunday services at 10.30am: 2 June, Mr Stuart Dew. 9 June, The Revd David Cumbers, Communion. 16 June, the Revd David Cumbers. 23 June, a family service led by members of the church family. 30 June, Mrs Heather McNiven.


Thursday services at 10.30am. 6 June, Mr Stuart Dew. 13 June, Dr Graham Campling. 20 June, Mr Stuart Dew. 27 June, the Revd David Cumbers.


Refreshments are served after Sunday and Thursday services.


Bible Study. Monday 11 June at 11am. Small hall.


Transform Trade, Messy Church and Coffee are on the morning of Saturday 8 June.    


The plant and cake sale on Saturday 18 May raised £800.05. This was an excellent outcome, thanks to a lot of hard work by those who made it possible.  


Open Garden. The next church fund-raising event  is an Open Garden on the afternoon of Saturday 13 July at 36 College Lane, Hurstpierpoint.


Joint pastorate services. The next will be a Communion service at Haywards Heath  at 10.45am (note time) on Sunday 7 July. Haywards Heath church is in South Road opposite the entrance to the Orchards shopping centre.


Our church AGM will be on Sunday 21 July after morning worship.


Baby Station. Help is wanted with our long-running Baby Station group, which has been much valued by many people over many years. Parents retain responsibility for their own children; the leaders are there to talk, and listen, and arrange tea and coffee. Maybe you know of people who have previously attended with their children, who would like to return and help. See Helen Abel for details.


Big Brew. Coffee lovers, book the date! A big brew coffee morning is being planned for Saturday 14 September, coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the Fair Trade Foundation.


Safeguarding. Advice regarding safeguarding and the church's safeguarding policy have been updated. Copies will shortly appear in the church vestibule, at the entrance to the main hall and on the church website www.hassocks-urc-church.org.uk


What is the URC? There are leaflets in the vestibule  which give a brief introduction, or you can go to www.urc.org.uk  and click on 'Who we are'.


New brief. The Church of England reports higher church attendances for the third successive year – a 5% increase on 2022 – but still below pre-Covid levels. 

A profound thought.  Wisdom is nowhere more apparent than in the acknowledgement of error. There will be a small prize for the first person to correctly identify to whom those words are accredited. Suggestions to Stuart Dew.



Hassocks United Reformed Church Bulletin.
May 2024


Sunday services at 10.30am:  5 May, Mrs Fran Boto. 12 May, the Revd David Cumbers, Communion. 19 May, the Revd Simon Franklin. 26 May, a family service led by members of the church family.


Thursday services: 2 May, Mrs Heather McNiven. 9 May, the Revd David Cumbers. 16 May, Mrs Heather McNiven, Communion. 23 May, the Revd Peter Scotland. 30 May, Mrs Claire Levin.


Refreshments are served after Sunday and Thursday services.


Bible Study. Monday 13 May. 11am. Small hall.


Transform Trade, Messy Church and Coffee are on the morning of Saturday 11 May.    


Saturday 18 May at 10am. Plant sale on the church forecourt. Do you have spare seedlings? Or resulting from splitting?  Please leave them beside the church on Friday, or bring them early on Saturday. Coffee and cake will be available. Cake donations welcome.


Coming soon. An Open Garden event. Watch this space for details.


Churches in Burgess Hill are having a 'Thy Kingdom Come' prayer week. Burgess Hill URC are actively involved, although not hosting a meeting. Prayer meetings will be:

Monday 13 May at 7pm – Burgess Hill Methodist
Tuesday 14 May at 7pm - Gateway Baptist
Weds 15 May at 7pm - Centre Church
Thursday 16 May at 7pm – Kings Church
Friday 17 May at 7pm - Salvation Army
Sat 18 May at 7pm - Kingdom Faith at Woodlands Mead school
With a Pentecost service  at 6pm on Sunday 19 May at St Andrew's Church


Next joint Mid Sussex pastorate service will be a Communion service at Haywards Heath URC, at 10.45am on Sunday  7 July. The church is in South Road, between Boots and Robert Dyas. For those with long memories, it is near where Woolworths used to be!

Congratulations. We don’t always get to hear when people celebrate significant life events, but we do know that Pam and Ray Snashall and Julia and Peter Scotland have both celebrated – or are celebrating - 60th wedding anniversaries.  We celebrate with them  …..  and with any others we may have missed.


Suzanne. Our friend and former member Suzanne Glossop is in hospital, having dislocated her hip. She would love to hear from those who remember her. Contact is via her son, Bernard Glossop. 22 St. Martins Road, Ashton on Mersey, Sale M33 5PU or [email protected]


Contacting the minister: The Revd David Cumbers is available on [email protected] or 07732 759529


Reassurance for those who don't read the small print about phones and computers. You're not the first. Adam and Eve failed to note the Apple terms and conditions.


Hassocks United Reformed Church Bulletin.

April  2024


Sunday services at 10.30am:  7 April, Mr Stuart Dew. 14 April, pastorate service at  Burgess Hill (See note below). 21 April, Communion, the Revd David Cumbers, followed by Church Meeting. 28 April, a family service led by members of the congregation.


There will be a Mid-Sussex Pastorate All Age service at Burgess Hill at 10.30am on Sunday 14 April. There will be no service at our church that day. Burgess Hill church (All Saints) is at the top of Junction Road, three minutes walk from Burgess Hill railway station. Parking is available in front of the church and in nearby streets.  New directives prevent us from arranging transport, but if you need help getting there please ask other members of the congregation who may be happy to assist with lifts. There will be two more pastorate services this year; at Haywards Heath on Sunday 7 July (Communion) and at Hassocks on 15 September.


Thursday services: 4 April, Mrs Heather McNiven.11 April, the Revd David Cumbers.18 April, Communion, Dr. Graham Campling. 25 April, Mrs Claire Levin.


Refreshments are served after Sunday and Thursday services.


Bible Study. Monday 8 April. 11am. Small hall.


Transform Trade, Messy Church and Coffee are on the morning of Saturday 13 April.  


Campaigning by Traidcraft ensured that people are now able to buy Fairly traded products in many supermarkets. However, an exploitative trade system still exists and Transform Trade is  providing  an alternative.  By April 2030 they hope to enable at least 1000 more businesses to bring hope to people living in poverty. At Hassocks  we send the profit from our  stall and coffee morning  to Transform Trade.  Please rise to my challenge to make a small purchase each month to show your support. Julia Scotland


Church Meeting. After morning worship on Sunday 21 April.


Saturday 18 May at 10am. Plant sale on the church forecourt. Coffee and cake will also be available.


Green bin. The church now has a green bin to help us deal with tree and grass cuttings from the church gardens. Collection day is fortnightly on a Wednesday.


Churches in Burgess Hill are having a 'Thy Kingdom Come' prayer week. Prayer meetings will be:
Monday 13 May at 7pm – Burgess Hill Methodist
Tuesday 14 May at 7pm - Gateway Baptist
Weds 15 May at 7pm - Centre Church
Thursday 16 May at 7pm – Kings Church
Friday 17 May at 7pm - Salvation Army
Sat 18 May at 7pm - Kingdom Faith at Woodlands Mead school
Sunday 19 May at 6pm - St Andrew's
Burgess Hill URC are actively involved, although not hosting a meeting.

Contacting the minister: [email protected] or 07732 759529.